Happy 4th of July, dear CSA family!
Our share this week will have:
Kale, Cucumbers, lettuce, garlic scapes, white onions, carrots, broccoli or cauliflower, zuchinni, choice of an herb (cilantro, dill, marjoram, or oregano!)
Fruits are cherries and plums!
My oh my, how will we celebrate this bounty?
I have posted many kale recipes - kale and corn succotash, kale chips, kale salad, soups, you name it! But how about a simple side dish to go along with steak (or if you're like me, maybe just in a bowl on its own!)
Garlic Scapes
You can stir fry them like i mentioned in last week's blog, so yummy! You can pickle them for a delicious snacks, salad toppings, or charcuterie board essential!
And you can blend into a dreamy garlic PESTO!
Roast them, toss into soups and salads raw, rice them for a low carb alternative, mash into potatoes, stir fries, you can't go wrong!
Let's try this Kung Po Cauliflower!
Oh so many things to use zuchinni for! Last week I shared many ways to use them, so don't forget to check through previous blogs for more inpsiration! Today, let's try:
Zuchinni Boats!
There are definitely lots of carrot recipes here in the blog, so definitely peruse previous blogs! If you happen to have those delicious snap peas from last week, here's what I did with carrots abd snap peas!
Snap Pea and Carrot Soba Noodles
Plums and Cherries
You can simply eat them, which I certainly plan to do a lot of! However if you feel creative, you can make homemade ice creams, desserts, savory fruit salads, Jams and jellies (I love them!), and today's feature: Grown up Popsicles. I'm totally into adult popsicles nowadays.
I pour them into freezer pop sleeves, and slurp away!
This recipes recommends making the popsicle and then putting in a glass of prosecco. That's lovely too. But I go one step further and mix in a white wine bottle and make twice as many popsicles that are already boozed up. don't waste the expensive stuff - a $10 bottle of pinot grigio will do the job like a rockstar!
Plum Cherry Ice pops!
Keep eating the rainbow my dear friends! Enjoy a safe, happy and healthy 4 of July!
All the best