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Joshua Cox
Joshua Cox

Scorpions - No One Like You (Audio)

Formed in 1971, the Scorpions climb to success has been a slow seduction. Attempting to bring hard, Deep Purple-like rock to their hometown of Hanover, West Germany, they met a wall of cynicism that, at times, seemed as formidable as the one which divides Berlin.

Scorpions - No One Like You (Audio)

Thanks to the increasing popularity of albums like Love Drive (1979), its follow-up Animal Magnetism (1980), and eventually the groundbreaking Blackout album in 1982, and following with many years of relentless road work, Scorpions would finally enjoy international recognition.

Over the course of these years, Scorpions had developed from a serious contender to a band with an unmistakable sound based on the hard rock ingredients of predecessors like Zeppelin and Cream, but with a multiple guitar barrage of power riffs and guitar pyrotechnics, not to mention the expressive vocal delivery of frontman Klaus Meine. Meine wisely wrote his lyrics in English, which was a key factor in getting across to American audiences. By the end of 1983, following a high profile performance at that summer's US Festival before 375,000 fans (which would also be broadcast on MTV to millions more), Scorpions would find themselves at the top of the international metal brigade.

Best known for their 1980s rock anthem "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and numerous singles like "Send Me an Angel," "No One Like You," and "Wind of Change," Scorpions non-hit material from this era holds up equally well, and three fine examples are presented here.

Expressing a career like the one of the Scorpions in mere numbers is almost impossible. However, one number thatshould still be mentioned is more than 100 million records sold to date. This makes the Scorpions the mostsuccessful rock band of Continental Europe by far.

Scorpions put on a great rock n' roll show last night. Amazingly, the Scorpions first album came out in 1972 and the band still remains a huge draw by fans and is still a force in concert. The band is currently touring in support of their newest and 19th release, Rock Believer. The show would numerous new songs live including "Gas In the Tank", "Rock Believer" and "Peacemaker". The Scorpions have been a positive voice in world politics with songs like "Wind of Change" and with this recent tour doctored some of the song's lyrics to pay respects to Ukraine. The Scorpions remain one of classic rock's most respected and favorite bands by rock fans. With fan favorite songs like "Big City Nights", "No One Like You" and their classic "Rock You Like A Hurricane", this is a band that still brings it live. Big staging, big sound and still a badass rock band live.

Betty clings to the show as an escape from life with her car-dealer husband, Del (LaBute mainstay Aaron Eckhart.) Del is a self-centered pig. He screws around with his secretary at the car dealership, eats like an animal, and casually mistreats sweet, giving Betty. Eckhart supplies perhaps the most satisfying performance in the film, but you'd better not get too attached to him. He's about to be slaughtered for your amusement.

Betty saw the whole thing, but she's pushed the event from her memory. When she's interviewed by the police, she acts like nothing happened. Rather than mourn Del, she packs her bags, gets in his car, and heads out to California where she's convinced that she'll meet up with her "ex-fiancee," Dr. David Ravell. Unfortunately, David is a TV character, and George, the actor who plays him, doesn't even know Betty.

ARRAF: Well, it's not like the old bases, which were kind of like little cities. This is really austere. It's about a mile from the Syrian border in the desert; desert as far as you can see. There were no buildings, just tents. And it's about 100 degrees. There's no air conditioning. There's lots of sand, and there's scorpions and huge biting spiders. So on their time off, the guys say they play cards with the Iraqi soldiers on the base, and they play baseball. They don't have any bats, so they use the handles of pickaxes.

INSKEEP: Do what they can and then go back to lobbing artillery shells at a distant enemy. I want to ask, Jane, because, of course, you cover Iraq all the time, these folks are on the Iraq-Syria border. This is far, far western Iraq. How is security like in the rest of the country, this country where ISIS used to have much more control?

ARRAF: Probably you could sum it up by saying it's relatively secure but fragile. And a lot of that danger is in territory in between the seams, if you will, between, for instance, Kurdish security forces and Iraqi government forces, like in the disputed city of Kirkuk. There's a highway near there, and ISIS has been kidnapping and killing security forces, setting off suicide car bombs. So while ISIS has been defeated militarily, there's still quite a lot of concern that they're not entirely gone.

'It would ill become your father's son to run aftertheir tails, like a keeper or gilly,' said he, graspingmy arm angrily, as we spoke in Gaelic, to give theoriginal of which would fidget my friend the printer.

This poor sheepstealer died like a Christian and ahero, and had in youth been one of those Highlandwarriors whose more than Spartan faith and truth alate pitiful historian has dared to stigmatize as mereignorance of the value of gold. Under the samecircumstances, we presume, this Scottish writer wouldhave known to a penny the value set upon the headof his fugitive guest.

Here and there, throughout this desolate tract, onwhich the shadows of night were descending, wereblacker spots, that marked where, in the precedingyear, the houses of nearly fifty crofters had beenlevelled or burned. No tongue was required to tellus the terrible story of legal wrong, and worse thanfeudal tyranny inflicted on the unresisting poor. Theblackened rafters were lying on every hand amongthe long grass, and thrown far asunder; the humblewalls were half levelled and overgrown by weeds,like the hearths around which generations had sat,and told or sung of the past memories of the Gaeland the kindly chiefs of other times, in the longnights of winter, when Ben Ora was mantled bysnow, and the frozen cascade hung over the rocks,white as the beard of Ossian. Here a currant-bush,or there an apple-tree, still marked amid the weedsand heather where the garden of the peasant hadbeen. Elsewhere the glen was yet dotted by littlepatches of corn and potatoes, all growing wild; butwhere were those who had sown and planted them?

Driven from their native land to make way forsheep, or grouse, or deer, and packed in ships, likeslaves for the Cuban market, the old people of theglen, the women and children, were pining on thebanks of the Susquehanna; while the young and ablewere forced by starvation, or lured by false promises,into the ranks of the Sutherland Highlanders, and werenow away to fight the Russians in the East. Thus itis that the game-laws, centralization, wilful neglect,and maladministration, reduce the people of the glensto misery, starvation, and inability to pay theexorbitant rents demanded for their little farms; thentheir dwellings are demolished, and themselvesexpelled, that one vast game preserve may be made ofthe land which has given to the British servicenearly ninety of its finest battalions of infantry.

Glen Ora was not entailed, thus its broad acres ofheather and whinstone-rock, mountain and torrent,slipped from under the hands of my gay uncle like amoving panorama; he died early, and the estatepassed away to strangers. The old tower wasdemolished, and a hunting-seat built on its site, by anoble duke, whose family had enriched their pockets,if not their blood, by intermarriage with the tribe ofLevi. Then began the war of extermination andexpatriation in the north; and while the authoressof "Uncle Tom" was feasted and slavery reviled inthe coteries of the Duchess in London, fire, sword,and eviction were enforced by Mr. Snaggs, her factor,in Glen Ora. Thus had things continued until thepreceding year, when the estate was purchased bySir Horace Everingham, of Elton Hall, Yorkshire.

'I would rather see my boy Allan buried in hisgrave at the Stones of St. Colme than truckling to aLowland dog like you, Ephraim Snaggs! Begone,lest I smite you on the face, weak though my hand,for recommending a calling so vile to Mac Innon ofGlen Ora!'

Laura was a lady-like girl, pretty rather than beautiful,and graceful rather than dignified, with a brightsunny English eye, a pale but interesting face,matchless hands and ankles, and a profusion of chestnuthair. She had trembled excessively when I presentedher to my mother, whom she informed, as rapidlyand coherently as her excessive agitation wouldpermit, that Sir Horace, 'her dear, good, kind papa,would go to the summit of the mountain in the moonlight,in spite of all advice and the warnings of variousshepherds.'

'Let her weep to the night wind, and it will hearher, as it has often heard our women weep, when theroofs were torn down and the fires extinguished;when the cabers were tossed upon the heath, and thecottagers were driven in fetters to the shore, likeslaves for market.'

The roar of the cataract, formed by the Uisc Dhuforcing its way through a chasm, and rolling over aledge of rocks into Loch Ora, now broke the solemnstillness of the midnight hills. We reached a plateauof rock, which overhung the fall, and we felt ittrembling and vibrating in the concussion of thewaters, which roared and rushed in one broad,ceaseless, and snow-white torrent, into a deep dark poolbelow. Its height was startling; its sides bristledwith ghastly rocks, and these were fringed by tangledmasses of green shrubbery and wild plants.Glittering in the moonlight like dew, or a continualshower of revolving diamonds, the transparent foamarose from the profundity into which the descendingwaters bellowed, and beyond which they swept awayround the mountain in placid silence, forming LochOra, where the black ouzel and the wild swan floatedin the radiance of the summer moon. 041b061a72


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